By Özlem Yağız on Oca 17, 2009 in Duyuru, Filistin, Mısır
Bildiğiniz gibi Gazze halkı 27 Aralık’tan beri İsrail’in saldırısı altında. Bizlere yansıyan rakamlarla bine aşkın insan hayatını kaybetti binlerce insan yaralı ve ölüm döşeğinde. Ölenlerin % 40 ının çocuk olduğu bu vahşetin bir de basına fazla yansımayan bir diğer boyutu var.
Gazze tam 18 aydır İsrail’in ablukası altında. Gazze’nin dünyaya açılan tek kapısı olan Mısır ise yine iki aydır tamami ile Gazze’ye sınırlarını kapatmış durumda. 2005 anlaşması ile zaten zor koşullardaki Gazze’ye vaad edilen ayda 12.000 kamyon yardım girişi 3 yıldır 1000 kamyonu bulmadı ve halen yaralı 4300 kişiden sadece 200 ü Gazze’den çıkarılabildi.
DEVAMI: http://www.gazzedostlari.com/
7 Yorum
Yazan:Osman Nuri Tarih: Oca 17, 2009 | Reply
bu durumda Al-Azher Universitesi’nde okuyan Turk ogrencileri de geri çağrıyorsunuz değil mi?Maglum Kahire’de bu universite!
Yazan:Osman Nuri Tarih: Oca 17, 2009 | Reply
saygıdeğer cumhurbaskanımız sizi pek sallamıyor bu arada galiba.misir’a gidiyormus yarın 🙂
Yazan:Enver Gülşen Tarih: Oca 17, 2009 | Reply
özlem hanım,
hz.ibrahimin ateşine su taşıyan karınca misali çırpınıp duruyor ve çok önemli bir vicdan mücadelesi veriyorsunuz. en azından tarafım belli olsun diye ben de sizin imza attığınız her etkinliğie destek vereceğimi bildirmek isterim. sizi çok takdir ettiğimi ve çok değer verdiğimi bilmenizi isterim.
Yazan:murat Tarih: Oca 18, 2009 | Reply
Hüsnü Mübarek’in olmertten farkı yok zaten. eğer olsaydı yıllardır. Mısır’ın başında kalamazdı, oda diğer arap ülkeleri başkanları gibi kukla, aksi söylemek mümkün mü? arap ülke liderlerinin yaptıkları ortada, halkı ise uyuyor ve uyutulmaya devam ediliyor, böyle giderse kıyamet kopunca görültüye uyanacaklar, yada siyonistlerin füzeleriyle
Yazan:özlem Tarih: Oca 18, 2009 | Reply
Kelimeleri,kavramlari carpitiyorlar. “Gercek”, “Ateskes” yalanlarla dolu bir propaganda aginin icerisinde yasiyoruz.
Benim bildigim tek bir gercek var. Israil son 60 yillik kanla yazilmis tarihine 400 u cocuk 1200 insanin cinayetini ekledi.
Ve simdi isgal sozunu ateskes sozuyle degistirerek bize yutturmaya calisiyor. Benim ve pek cok insanin hayatinda bu zulum devleti ve arkasindaki gucler ile hesaplasmak eminim bundan sonra cok daha fazla bir yer alacak iste size gercek!
Bir arkadasimin tercumesi ile Misirli bir doktorun bizim Misiri boykot kampanyasi ilanimizin altina dustugu notlari paylasmak istiyorum. Ve İsrail’den bir haberi. Bu sadece bir baslangic.
Gilad Atzmon kadar olamasam da Israil devletine karsi olmak antisemitizm ise kendimi elhamdulillah epeyce antisemitist hissediyorum. http://www.timeturk.com/“Israil-bu-sefer-de-cuvallamayi-becerdi!”-46695-haberi.html
Misirli doktorun notlari:
m an egyptian , i had been at rafah for 18 hours , i am a doctor .
Egyptian Government lies , as they didn’t allow us over 180 doctor to go in from the first day of the war till the day #19 .(Misir hukumeti yalan soyluyor, savasin 19ncu gunune kadar, 180den fazla doktor olarak bizlerin gitmesine izin vermediler)
so thats the truth .(gercek bu iste)
want it more ?(baska gercek mi istiyorsun?)
they block our medical supplies ( egypt ) (misir’daki tibbi yardimi bloke ettiler.)
The Turkish Medical supplies ,
and other medical supplies , from many other countries .
and refuse to handle them over through Rafah ..(Turk tibbi yardimi, diger ulkelerden gelen tibbi yardimi Refah yoluyla dagitmayi reddettiler.)
more truth , Egyptians Government , got some Containsers and Foods of medical supplies , and food to IsraHell , through another Gate
Abou Karek ( To Israel ) to handle them over the people at Gaza
what a genrousity from Zionists called Husni Mubark and His gang so called Government .
want more ? (Baska gercekler ? Misir Hukumeti bir baska kapi (Abou Karek) ile konteynerleri, gida yardimlarini, ve tibbi yardimlari Israil’e verdi, Gazze’deki insanlara dagitsin diye..Mubarek ve (cetesi yani sozde) hukumeti olarak adlandirilan Siyonistlerden ne comertlik ama)
Egyptians Government filtered the wounded of palestinans kids , babies , men , women , and handle us the cases regarding to what they see , sometimes they handle us already dead cases , sometimes cases don’t ever need any medical help . (Misir hukumeti, ne gorduyse disaridan (yani kapida alelade bir secim ile) ona gore yaralilari secti,ve teslim etti; filistinli cocuklar, bebekler, kadinlar, erkekler..Bazen neredeyse olu veya olmek uzere olanlari, bazen de herhangi bir tibbi yardima ihtiyaci olmayanlari…)
We saw ourselves as doctors many patients filtered by Egyptians to get into our hospitals .
(Biz doktorlar olarak bir cok hastanin Misirlilar tarafindan filtrelenerek(elenerek/secilerek) hastanelere geldigine sahit olduk.
no need to add , they were entering limited numbers of cases every day and sometimes Egyptians government block it completely . (ilave etmeye gerek yok, vak’a larin her gun sinirli sayida iceriye girmesine izin verdiler ve bazen Misir hukumeti siniri tamamiyle kapadi.)
so we had been busy helping Rafah Egyptians who are targetted and wounded from IsraHelli hits on their Houses as well . (Israil’in saldirilarina evlerinde hedef olmus ve yaralanmis Refah’li Misirililara yardim etmekle mesgulduk.)
you know ( the excuse of tunnels ) .(Sinirin Misir tarafindaki Israil saldirilarinin tuneller yuzunden gerceklestigini ima ediyor.)
so about the truth , now you got some don’t ask for more . (Ya iste boyle, simdi gercegin bir kismini biliyorsun, daha fazla sorma.)
Truth hurts , try to take it swallow it and live with it .(Gercek acitir, gercegi yutmaya ve onunla yasamaya calis..)
Gizleyecek seyi olanlar icin hakikat/gercek bir “nefret soylemi” dir.(Daha iyi otursun diye “halki kin ve nefrete tahrik etmek” bilmiyorum bizim ulke kosullarindaki ezberi hatirlarsan. Bazilari icin “gercek” olan seyler bazilari icin “halki kin nefrete tahrik etmek” olabiliyor manasinda)
The truth is “hate speech” only to those who have something to hide
Boykot etkisini gösterdi,İsrail malları depoda kaldı…
Yetişdirdikleri ürünleri satamayan İsrailli üreticiler hükümete boykotu şikayet etti
Yazan:özlem Tarih: Oca 18, 2009 | Reply
Sameh Habeeb Gazze’nin icinden yasananlari anlatmis. Kendi fotograf albumlerini de yollamis bizlere. Lutfen arkadaslar asagidaki albumlerde ozellikle ekmek kuyrugu ile su bulma mucadelesi icindeki insanlarin yuzlerine iyi bakin. O cocuklarin kuyrukta beklerken yuzlerindeki endiseyi, umit ile umitsizlik arasindaki ifadeleri gorebiliyor musunuz? Ya bulanik bir sisedeki suyu icen cocugun o anki mutlulugunu. Ben uzun zamandir ya da belki de hayatimda hic bir zaman elime aldigim bir posetteki ekmeklere oyle sukran duygulari ile bakmadim. İkinci dunya savasi yillarini yasamis annemin bazen ekmegi kokladigini ve bu kokuya yillarca biz hasrettik, bir parca kuru ekmek icin neler vermezdik dedigini bilirim ama.Bayat bir ekmegi atarken atirmamak icin benimle nasil cedellestigini de. Bir poset ekmege kavusmus o kiz cocugunun yuzundeki mutluluk bizleri yerin dibine sokmuyorsa coktan insanligimizi kaybetmisiz demektir.
Dunyanin en gelismis silahlari ve dorduncu buyuk ordusu ile gazzeye saldiran baylar. Size kim dedi sizin hayatlariniz bu insanlarin hayatlarindan daha yasanilasi oldugunu. Bir israilli baris gonullusunun makalesinde Gazze’ye bombalar dustukce dusen her seste korna calarak bunu kutlayan insanlardan bahsediyordu.Beni filistinlilerin gelecekte yapacaklari degil bu kornalar korkutuyor, bu kadar insanligimizi yitirmis olmamiz asil korkunc olan diyordu. ey korna calarak bombalarin dususunu kutlayan, Gazze sinirinda oturmus kahvesini yudumlayarak, kahkahalar icinde bombalarin dususunu seyrederken fotograflardan bana bakan insafsiz(lar). Emin ol bu nesenin de sonu yakin. Adimdan ne kadar eminsem bundan da eminim.
“..Zulmetmekte olanlar, nasıl bir inkılaba ugrayip devrileceklerini pek yakinda bileceklerdir. Suara 227”
Umarim Sameh hayattadir. Daha 23 yasindaymis…
> Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 20:15:44 +0200
> Subject: For Publication: Day 22 of Israeli War On Gaza and an Article!
> From: sameh.habeeb@gmail.com
> To: grnciti1@yahoo.com
> Day 22 of Israeli War On Gaza
> Informative Report on Gaza War: Death toll 1220, wounded 5350
> By: Sameh A. Habeeb:
> A Photojournalist, Humanitarian & Peace Activist in Gaza Strip.
> Dear Editors, Journalists and Friends,
> This is a new report for the 22nd day of Gaza War and the outcomes
> of Israeli invasion. For more reporting, breaking news, interviews
> and accounts in Gaza, you could reach me on my contact info below.
> Please try both numbers below because there is a big problem in
> communication resulted in Israeli power cuts.
> I’m available 24 hours for media coverage in occupied Gaza. You could
> reach me any time in my house through this: Landline: 0097282802825 or
> Landline: 0097082802825 or Mob: 00972599306096
> http://picasaweb.google.com/sameh.habeeb/IsraeliBombsTargetedUnitedNationsInGaza
> Israeli War: Water Crisis in Gaza
> http://picasaweb.google.com/sameh.habeeb/IsraeliWarWaterCrisisInGaza#
> Israeli War: Bread Crisis
> http://picasaweb.google.com/sameh.habeeb/IsraeliWarBreadCrisis#
> Israeli War: DESTRUCTION and Killing
> http://picasaweb.google.com/sameh.habeeb/IsraeliWarDESTRUCTIONAndKilling#
> A day of War 1
> http://picasaweb.google.com/sameh.habeeb/GazaWar2#
> Children playing despite bombings:
> http://picasaweb.google.com/sameh.habeeb/ChildrenPlayingDespiteBombings#
> A day of War 2
> http://picasaweb.google.com/sameh.habeeb/GazaWar3#
> Mob: 00972599306096
> Landline: 0097282802825
> E-mail: Sam_hab@hotmail.com
> Sameh.habeeb@gmail.com
> Skype: Gazatoday, Facebook: Sameh A. habeeb
> Web: http://www.gazatoday.blogspot.com
> Daily Photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/sameh.habeeb
> Please, make sure you forward this email to those who you feel are
> interested in this matter.
> Day 22 of Israeli War On Gaza
> Daily Feed About Gaza War:
> 1-Israeli air strike hit the eastern part of Gaza City. Many houses
> were harmed partially.
> 2-Israeli air forces raided on a United Nations’ school northern Gaza,
> town of Bait Lahia. A woman and two children were killed and many
> wounded. Tens of people came to take the school as a shelter but it
> was hit!
> 3- Two Palestinians killed in east of Rafah City. Invading tanks
> destroyed sevetal houses and arrested some residents.
> 4-Three Palestinians killed by Phosphorous bombs fall down in many
> places in north of Gaza.
> 5- Two Palestinians killed after being injured in Khan yonis and
> their father was wounded. Here is an email I got from the friends of
> the family before they know what has happened to them!
> Family Friend,
> I am writing to make a request for a good friend from Gaza (Amer
> Shurrab, UWCAD ’01–03, Middlebury College ‘08.5). He just found out
> his father and two brothers were attacked while returning home from
> their farm during the 3-hr ceasefire. One brother (Kassab Shurrab)
> died, but the father (Mohammed Shurrab -64) and the remaining brother
> (Ibrahim-17) are now wounded and stranded in an Israeli Defense Force
> (IDF) controlled area. It’s been 16 hours and emergency services are
> unable to reach them. The ambulances cannot travel there without
> permission from the IDF, and local aid groups claim that soldiers are
> blocking their access.
> We have spoken with the local Red Cross in Khan Yunis and they have
> been trying to get the IDF’s permission to get to the family, but have
> not been allowed. What we are asking, is if you could help by using
> any of your contacts (in the area and/or region, with NGOs, HR
> groups,media, etc), to bring attention and pressure in order to get
> permission for the ambulances to save two lives. We are very desperate
> and trying as many avenues as possible to help aid reach them. If you
> know even a foot soldier who might be able to push the ball by calling
> a local commander we would really appreciate any help.
> His father and brother are located at:
> In front of Supermarket Abu Zidan El-Najar
> El Fukhari (neighbourhood)
> Khan Yunis (town)
> Gaza
> We truly appreciate any help at this time, thank you for your time.
> Salam,
> Adriana Qubaia +1.781.350.8080 (aqubaia@gmail.com)
> Amer Shurrab: +1.802.377.7962 (ashurrab@gmail.com)
> 6- Two Palestinians killed near Sofa crossings in Rafah City southern
> Gaza Strip.
> 7-Three Palestinians killed in northern Gaza Strip near al karma buildings.
> 8-Heavy bombings mid of Gaza City and clashes erupted in eastern part
> of Gaza city.
> 9-Heavy bombings artillery shelling western Gaza city and in Al
> Zaytoin area south east of Gaza.
> 10-Naval gunboats shelled southern Gaza City leaving 4 Palestinian wounded.
> 11-Shells destroyed Taha mosque east of Jabalia.
> 12-Rockets hit a group of Palestinian fighters in Twam area west north
> of occupied Gaza strip.
> 13-Four Israeli soldiers wounded by Palestinian mortar shells north of Gaza.
> 14-Fire set in several houses in Bait Lahia resulted in many wounded.
> 15-Phosphorus bombs hit many targets at Khan yonis city and many house
> burned in the area.
> 16- Phosphorus bombs hit many targets at Khan yonis city and many
> house burned in the area.
> 17-Rockets attack into several farms and houses in Moraj area in Rafah City.
> 18-Three rockets hit Al Barhma area in Rafah City.
> 19-More than 100 bombs, rockets and shells hit the tunnels area in
> Rafah City. Tens of the houses destroyed and hundreds of persons left
> their houses.
> 20-Israeli F16s raided by 4 rockets on many spaces inside Egypt and
> hover in the area.
> 21- Medical sources: victims up to 1220 while wounded up to 5350. A
> big number of ambulances and medical equipments destroyed in addition
> to destroying 15 medical centers and sections.
> 22-Palestinian fighters launched 14 projectiles into Israeli settlements.
> 23-Houses destroyed northern Gaza in Israeli bombings.
> 24-Artillary shells bombarded Al Tofah area eastern Gaza City.
> 25-Rockets hit Al Salam quarter in Rafah City and 3 wounded in the place.
> 26-Drones fired a rocket into empty spaces in Shja’ya area.
> 27-Power Crisis still storming most of the Gaza Strip.
> 28-Water is not being accessed by 800 thousands Gazans.
> 29-Bread crisis still storming Gaza leaving 5 bakeries out of 47 working!
> 30-Drones excessively hover on Gaza City, eastern and northern areas.
> 31-Israeli tanks based in Rafah City, Gaza Airport, fired many houses
> in Shoka area.
> Who Is Responsible for Gaza blight?
> By Dr. Akram Habeeb (my Dad)
> Writing from the Occupied Gaza Strip
> As a Gazzan who is not affiliated to any political party; yet much
> concerned about what is taking place in my hometown, I meticulously
> track every piece of news related to the ongoing horrendous carnage
> which is perpetrated by the Israelis against the innocent civilians in
> Gaza. I was shocked when key staff of Bush’s outgoing Administration
> hold the Palestinian side in particular responsible for the recent
> onslaught in Gaza. I was also more devastated when some European
> officials and even few Arab leaders implicitly hold the same
> opinion. I am not sure though whether these officials do represent the
> voice and the good will of their peoples.
> The most disturbing statement about the situation in Gaza was made by
> Dr. Rice, the American Secretary of States, when she declared that it
> was the Palestinian side who violated the truce and subsequently is
> responsible for what is happening in Gaza. Such a statement is easy to
> be made by Ms. Condi whose accomplishments in America’s foreign policy
> were spectacular! She promised that by 2008 the presidents vision of
> two states would be concretized. It seems though that she succeeded in
> having two Palestinian cantons, one in Gaza, and the other in the West
> Bank ! Perhaps Dr. Rice was the most frequent visitor of the Middle
> East when compared with her predecessors. The normal expectation has
> been that Ms. Rice would have a deeper understanding of the Middle
> East crisis in general, and the Palestinian side in particular.
> As Palestinians living in Gaza, we expected Ms. Rice to have done
> some research about the demography of Gaza. We also expected here to
> have done some investigations about the psyche of the true victims
> living in Gaza. We are not sure if Dr. Rice knows that more than
> seventy percent of the Palestinians living in Gaza are Palestinian
> refugees who had been kicked out of there towns and villages in
> Palestine . We are not certain if Dr. Rice knows that most of the
> Israelis who replaced the displaced Palestinians had come from far
> off land, from diverse countries to establish a state on the land of
> other people. It seems that Ms. Rice is very happy to see the
> Palestinians suffer under siege ; she wants them to sing for peace in
> a big cage called Gaza and if they protest by sending home made
> rockets, she will hold them responsible for the mess! We hope though
> that Ms. Clinton, Condi’s successor would be the one who would improve
> the image of America in the Middle East and the Islamic world. We are
> sure that Ms. Clinton would be more objective and realistic when she
> deals with the Palestinian Issue.
> The Palestinians have also been greatly disconcerted by the
> statements both President Bush and his deputy, Dick Chini . Both of
> them gave Israel the green light to kill the innocent civilians in
> Gaza. The moment they declared that Israel has the right to defend
> itself and hold the Palestinian side responsible for the what is
> happening in Gaza, Israel started mercilessly to target civilians.
> They started to kill complete families, small and extended. They
> started to target the unarmed civilians who mistakenly thought that
> UNRWA schools would be safe refuge for them. History will witness that
> these two men had not done any good for the good Americans who elected
> them. They have successfully denigrated the image of America and the
> Americans in the Arab and the Muslim worlds. We in Palestine and in
> the Muslim world believe that Bush’s legacy would be a real burden for
> his successor, president elect Obamma. However, we strongly believe
> that Obama’s administration would do its best to regain the
> prestigious image of American in the Arab and the Muslim worlds , we
> are full of hope that the new administration would play the role of
> the objective peace broker in the Middle East. Hopefully it would be
> very real and realistic vision different from Bush’s vision !
> Sameh A. Habeeb, B.A.
> Photojournalist & Peace Activist
> Humanitarian, Child Relief Worker
> Gaza Strip, Palestine
> Mob: 00972599306096
> Tel: 0097282802825
> E-mail: Sam_hab@hotmail.com
> Sameh.habeeb@gmail.com
> Skype: Gazatoday, Facebook: Sameh A. habeeb
> Web: http://www.gazatoday.blogspot.com
> Daily Photos:http://picasaweb.google.com/sameh.habeeb
> —
> Sameh A. Habeeb, B.A.
> Photojournalist & Peace Activist
> Humanitarian, Child Relief Worker
> Gaza Strip, Palestine
> Mob: 00972599306096
> Tel: 0097282802825
> E-mail: Sam_hab@hotmail.com
> Sameh.habeeb@gmail.com
> Skype: Gazatoday, Facebook: Sameh A. habeeb
> Web: http://www.gazatoday.blogspot.com
> Daily Photos:http://picasaweb.google.com/sameh.habeeb
Yazan:Enver Gülşen Tarih: Oca 18, 2009 | Reply
israil = terörist devlet
israil = BM kararıyla kurulan tek devlet
israil = 1917’de filistin’deki yahudi nüfusu 80bin civarında iken bunu ingiliz işgali altındaki 1947’ye kadarki bölümde dünyanın her tarafından gelen yahudi yerleşimlerle 800bine çıkarmış, sonra da filistinlilerin vlerini zorla ellerinden almak için olmadık terörlr yapmış bir devlet.
i947’de 800bin yahudi yerleşimci nokta nokta bir takım yerlere yerleştirilmişken 1947’de birleşmiş milletler kararıyla filistin’in %60ına yakınına birden sahip olmuş dünya zalimi bir devlet.
1948’den bu güne BM’nin kendisine hediye ettiği yerlerle dahi yetinmemiş azığı kan olan bir devlet.
israil ateşkes falan yapmaz, çünkü azığı kan olan devlet ateşkesten değil savaştan beslenir. israil karşıtlığım benim için olmazsa olmaz bir vicdan mücadelesidir. bu bir takım gözboyacıların dediği gibi yahudi karşıtlığı değil tam manasıyla israil karşıtlığıdır. yoksa aliya izzetbegovic’in bosna’da onca katliamlardan, onca tecavüzlerden sonra dediği gibi, “katiline bile merhamet ve adalettir” benim ilkem. dolayısıyla israil’in zulmünden sorumlu olmayan hiçbir yahudiyi, ya da hiçbir kimseyi suçlamayacak kadar da adiliz bizler. dolayısıyla bizlere anti-semitist diyerek bildiriler yayımlayan ve israil zulmünü bile filistinlilerin üstüne yıkmaya çalışanlar asıl anti-islam, anti-vicdan ve anti-insandırlar….
tekrar teşekkürler özlem hanım…